Through our profession, we see a lot of women who put up a lot of effort to uphold high standards of living through wellness-oriented behaviors. Women take a variety of steps to maintain their health and vitality, including taking care of their skin, adhering to exercise schedules, and eating healthily. However, not all problems may be avoided by a single change in lifestyle. Sometimes, women's bodies simply change, and they find themselves wondering how to maintain a youthful appearance as aspects of their vitality seem to be ebbing away.
You might be experiencing a hormone imbalance if you've noticed that your moods are getting worse or more unpredictable, that your once-healthy libido is now low or nonexistent, that your intimate life is no longer fulfilling or comfortable, or that no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to lose weight. Within the body, hormones act as messengers, delivering information to various systems and influencing the way that cells and organs function. Your body's functioning will gradually start to change when fewer hormones are available to transmit those messages.
While it's normal for women to experience menopause in middle age, which often involves a sharp decline in the chemicals estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, symptoms connected to hormonal shifts can manifest both before and after menopause. It's surprisingly typical for healthy women in their 30s to have a reduction in hormones that can affect wellness, in addition to severe and rapid symptoms of hormone insufficiency in women who undergo surgical menopause (removal of the ovaries) at any age.
Hormone imbalances and deficiencies are especially problematic when they keep you from doing things that are essential to a healthy, happy life. Sleeping soundly, working out, and being physically close to your partner are all in jeopardy when hormones aren’t in balance. The following hormone-related symptoms are some of the major culprits that affect a woman’s quality of life:
More noticeable wrinkles
Vaginal dryness and decreased libido
Hot flashes
Night sweats
Trouble sleeping
Increased body fat
Loss of muscle tone
Bone density issues
If the symptoms we’ve described hit home, it’s time to come in for a free consultation about your hormone health.
Why Consider BHRT?
You don't have to consider these signs of aging to be typical or unavoidable. BHRT is the best way to protect your health because it uses ingredients that are the same as what your body would make on its own to help hormone levels return to optimal.
BHRT replaces estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone—three important reproductive hormones—regularly. We provide progesterone and estrogen, both of which are synthesized for you by a pharmacy that specializes in BHRT, in the form of cream or pills. We offer easy tablet or injection forms of testosterone. With customized doses and careful monitoring, you can get your hormone levels back to optimal levels where they should be, get your youthful energy back, and treat any symptoms that may have been making you feel bad.
In addition to making changes to their lifestyles like reducing stress, getting more sleep, working out often, and eating a well-balanced diet, BHRT patients may also benefit from taking supplements that help the body slowly reestablish hormone balance.
Enhances quality of life
Relieves hot flashes
Boosts mood
Reduces mild depression
Improves quality of sleep
Improves short-term memory
Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases in some women
Revitalizes sexuality
Slows some signs of aging
Improves muscle tone
Combats osteoporosis
Protects teeth
Optimize Your Hormones offers three hormone replacement options for women – Cream, Pill or Injection, and what’s right for you depends on a variety of factors. We’ll work with you to determine how best to structure your BHRT regimen.
Topical Cream
Creams are a non-invasive way for women to deliver hormones to their skin. The skin may occasionally get inflamed by this strategy, despite the fact that estrogen and progesterone creams are typically simple to apply. Our patients are advised to closely monitor how their bodies respond to the drug. Transdermal dosing refers to the application of a cream to the skin in which the drug travels through the skin's layers and into the bloodstream. Due to the smaller quantity required, administering medication through the skin avoids the liver and is typically thought to be gentler on the body. People who want to take their medications fast and readily might not enjoy creams because they do require some time to apply and must be used in precise doses.
You're probably already familiar with oral hormones since birth control tablets often contain a variety of estrogen and progesterone analogues. Progesterone-only tablets are also available. Birth control pill hormone doses aren't intended for hormone replacement, so it's preferable to use a compounding pharmacy's knowledge to determine the ideal dose for BHRT. The dose of hormones must be much higher in an oral formulation since it must bypass the liver, which considerably reduces the amount of hormones that pass through it. Your system will be under more stress as a result. The majority of women tolerate these doses without any problems, although some may prefer the topical option.
Testosterone is injected under the skin or into a muscle, usually given every 2 to 4 weeks.